FJALA VRET. Mendoje mire!

We should all be aware of the weight of the word, wherever or with whomever we are. Therefore, before we express ourselves, we must think well, to respect each other’s dignity and rights and not to create harmful stereotypes. We are equal despite our differences!

To further strengthen the purpose of this campaign, the agency created the main slogan of the campaign: FJALA VRET. Mendoje mire!

We have chosen a pop art style mixed with collage to make it as modern as possible and with vibrant colors to attract attention.
Each word is made up of letters and each letter is illustrated in the form of a cold weapon that can kill.

This awareness campaign is organized within the regional initiative of the United Nations Organization “Youth for inclusion, equality and trust”, financed by the United Nations Peace Fund – @unpeacebuilding.
In Albania, the project is implemented by the local offices of UNFPA Albania and UNDP Albania.


Creative Campaign

Creative Campaign
Creative Campaign
Creative Campaign
Creative Campaign
Creative Campaign
Creative Campaign

Social Media

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